Vrijheid deel je met elkaar

Beautiful, inside and out
Namaha is a beautifully designed WordPress theme with minimalist design elements that provide a clean platform from which to promote your offering. Namaha’s quiet personality speaks volumes without saying a word, letting your products, services and brand take center stage on your site. This understated attitude makes it perfect for just about any type of website, online shop or blog.
Namaha is fully responsive, simple to set up and offers a myriad of versatile settings to give you true flexibility.
Breathe... you are going to love this awesome theme!
Namaha offers so much more than good looks. Install the free version now and take a deeper look at what makes this theme tick.
The latest offering from Out the Box, Namaha was inspired by our quest for a WordPress theme that would make everyone happy. A WordPress theme that combined solid design with true versatility.
Don’t be fooled by its serene look and feel. Namaha is all business on the inside. The theme’s versatile settings make it easy for you to change widget areas, colors, fonts, header styling and more. Take a look at a few of the feature settings on offer!
Page Builder
Namaha integrates seamlessly with Elementor Page Builder. Create great looking pages, just like this one, without any coding knowledge.
Sliders and Header Images
Create focus by adding a header image or slider to any page of your site. Choose between the built-in slider or slider plugin of your choice.
Namaha is ready for the world's most popular eCommerce platform. Install WooCommerce and get your shop up and running in no time.
Flexible Blog Layouts
Namaha gives you the ability to customize your blog by selecting the style, positioning and alignment of the Featured Image.
Focused on Features
Logo Area
Box your logo or display it on a solid or transparent background. Left-align or center the logo and navigation. Namaha offers advanced logo options.
Intro Block
Add an intro block to your homepage to bring more focus to your message. You can turn it on or you can turn it off – the choice is yours.
Sticky Header
Enable the Sticky Header so that your logo and navigation menu are always visible when scrolling. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
Social Media Links
Link to all your social media profiles – Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and more. Place your social media links in any widgetized area with the Social Media Links widget.

Page Builder
Namaha integrates seamlessly with Elementor Page Builder. Create great looking pages, just like this one, without any coding knowledge.
Namaha is styled and ready for the world’s most popular eCommerce platform. Install the free WooCommerce plugin to get your shop up and running in next to no time.
Slider & Header Images
Create focus by adding a header image or slider to the top of any page of your site. Choose between the built-in slider or the slider plugin of your choice.
Flexible Blog Layout
Namaha gives you the ability to customize your blog by selecting the style, positioning and alignment of the Featured Image.
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Namaha in Action

It's what you've always been looking for in a theme
Namaha is a beautifully designed WordPress theme with minimalist design elements that provide a clean platform from which to promote your offering. Namaha’s quiet personality speaks volumes without saying a word, letting your products, services and brand take center stage on your site. This understated attitude makes it perfect for just about any type of website, online shop or blog.
Namaha is fully responsive, simple to set up and offers a myriad of versatile settings to give you true flexibility.
Vriend worden?
Voor de activiteiten van de Stichting wordt een beroep gegaan op de Gieterse gemeenschap.
In 2024 en 2025 vieren we dat de Tweede Wereldoorlog 80 jaar geleden ten einde kwam.
Door het hele land staan we erbij stil dat Nederland dankzij de inzet van militairen van de geallieerde landen en met hulp van het verzet werd bevrijd. We herdenken de slachtoffers die daarbij vielen.
De littekens die de Tweede Wereldoorlog achterliet zijn 80 jaar later nog steeds zichtbaar.
Heel direct in families die dierbaren hebben verloren die zijn vermoord tijdens de Holocaust of zijn omgekomen door het oorlogsgeweld in Nederland en in Nederlands-Indië / Indonesië. Maar ook breder werkt de Tweede Wereldoorlog door, zoals in de manier waarop we naar de wereld kijken.
Alleen in een land zonder oorlog, waar mensenrechten worden nageleefd en waar geen onderdrukking is, kan een samenleving goed functioneren. Daarom vieren we met 80 jaar vrijheid ook dat wij in een democratie leven. Een land waar iedereen mag meedenken en meebeslissen, vraagt om ieders verantwoordelijkheid.
Wij kregen in 1945 onze vrijheid terug, maar op veel plaatsen in de wereld wordt tot op de dag van vandaag oorlog gevoerd.
Vrijheid is nooit af; we moeten er dagelijks aan werken om de ander de ruimte te geven en onze democratie te bewaken.
Op die manier blijft Nederland een vrij, tolerant land.
Daarom vieren we vrijheid niet alleen, maar samen. Want vrijheid deel je met elkaar.